Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 74 - Sta Margarita 11/11/2012

ok so this week has been amazing not a ton of lessons again but we made a new goal this week as we were studying about finding in companionship study we decided we werent very good at it so we added to our key indicators or the daily goals we set every day and we made a goal every day this week to get potential investigators and we did a lot better than we planned the plan was to get 8 this week and we got 17 so i guess we need to raise that goal a little but it was amazing the way we got them we have continued every time we get to our appointments and no one is home to stop and pray no matter where we are i got this from reading about Nephi in Helaman 5 when he goes onto a tower and prays and the people all gather around to see what he is doing and he got a ton of new "investigators" so that is what we did and one day it was really weird we went to go teach the parents of a member and hopefully get some new investigators but they were eating so we set up some appointments for next week and we were going to go to another members house to try and get a refferal but as i was about to walk up to the door it just didnt feel right so i told elder dariagan and he said ya me too so we walked back out to the highway and prayed and got the weirdest answer ever the spirit just said stay put and dont move and i asked elder dariagan and he said he didnt know but he felt there was something we needed to do right in that spot so thats what we did we stayed and talked to a few passing people but no success and it was almost time for us to need to go home after we had waited for like 20 minutes i felt we needed to ride the next tricycle that came past a tricycle is a motorcycle with a big metal cab bolted onto the side and we ride them everywhere but then we saw a tricycle going away from calbayog so elder dariagan joked and said did the spirit say which direction and i said no but the right before the tricycle got to us it stopped on the side of the road no one got off nothing happened so weird and we were kind of like what do we do and then i looked to the left and a tricycle was about to pass us going to calbayog and he stopped and asked where we were headed so we hopped on and ended up with 3 potential investigators who all know members it just felt so comfortable we talked to every single person that got on and i sat next to the driver and got his name and address it was a really cool experience and im so glad i am having these experiences with elder dariagan its going to help his mission so much knowing these things now instead like me finally figuring it out with less than a year left but im so happy all the time its amazing we are seeing so much success even as we teach members our attendance keeps growing and growing we also set a goal for how many recent converts and less active members would would have at church on sunday and the goal was 20 we were really hoping to get it but i rained and we were a little nervous but we prayed and went to church and we had 17 recent converts and less active members at church on sunday amazing and we had a few investigators at church work is so much fun i love seeing the change in peoples countenance as we teach we taught one lessson and the family was like we cont pay tithing we dont have enough money so we read from 3 Nephi 24 verses 8 through 11 and explained about it and talked about what was easier paying tithing or being cursed be God and they seemed really excited to see the blessings that can come from tithing and living worthy of the spirit sorry i cont put everything into one email but if i used one word to explain how i feel after this week is thankful and maybe its because im excited for thanksgiving but i really am grateful for all the things i have been able to learn and do recently life is amazing and i just wish it could have been like this from the begging of my mission but thats my own fault i just need to make sure all my companions from here on out can have this as soon into their missions as possible too and this mission can be awesome we are making so much progress right now its amazing well i love you all and hope that i con be of some help to you all through this email but i know i kind of just rambled on about my week but its so amazing and i love all the revelation we have been receiving recently we are going to see great things here pretty soon this branch is just about to take of and really start progressing on its own i can feel it and i cant wait and hope i can stay to see it but if not ill just do it again wherever my next area is but i love you all and pray for you always and i hope you all can feel the presence of the Holy Ghost in your lives because it is so real and so amazing and it truely is a foretaste of what eternal life will be like and i can wait to get to that day where i can feel that amazing joy that comes from keeping all the commandments and being able to stand in front of our Father in Heaven and say im ready to enter your kingdom it Will be amazing and i hope you all can do the same at that day well thats my letter for you all keep smiling and the Lord will make it permanent

so i know what i want for christmas i want those little pocket sized Books of Mormon if possible i would like 5 or 6 of them i want to give them to people the more the better but i dont know how much they cost so just as many as you feel like possible if grandma and grandpas could get that that would be awesome because you cant buy them in the philippines and people love them so they can bring it with them everywhere but if not thats ok too and ya love you mom i hope i can get the package before thanksgiving but if not ill celebrate another day 

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