Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 71 - Sta Margarita 10/22/2012

so ya i feel like money for christmas would probably be the best thing i have a few things i would like to buy here like a tagalog hymn book and and some other study materials but ya for that package if posible could you throw my cleats in there if they havent been destroyed yet we have started to play soccer and rugby and it would be really nice to have for times like that and the piano would be great if it isnt to expensive i want to play in sacrament meeting before i go home but the only time i have to practice is p-day and at night in the apartment so if i could just always have it i could practice whenever the few times come up where we have some down time and i dont know about the bank i always check to see how much is in there first then i always make sure not to pull to much out and try to leave some behind so that doesnt happen but i did have an emergency last month and my travel money wasnt reimbursed until late in the month and i was 100% out of money so i pulled some out but i still checked first im sorry ill try to not pull much out but i will probably ordering some garments here pretty soon because mine are starting to turn yellow and get holes in them and they are super cheap here so itll be nice well sorry i havent taken any pictures this week my camera is dead and i keep forgetting to charge it but the coolest thing this week was probably during our companionship exchange with the Gandara elders i worked with elder Acosta who is the same group arriving to the mission as my companion but you wouldn't know unless someone told you we got tons of referrals taught a random minister on the side of the road and we went to visit some members that they didn't know where they lived yet so i showed him and at one with brother Arseno Cabral it was crazy we weren't going to teach but he invited us to sit he had never done that before and we started talking and the spirit just took over i don't remember everything i said but after the lesson elder Acosta said you just chastised that man to tears it was amazing one thing that was said i asked him if he would go to church and he said he wasn't sure and it came to me to read about agency so we did in 2n 2:27 and i told him we have 2 choices God or Satan who are you going to follow and he said God and started praying it was crazy i have never felt so good after a lesson in my entire life its crazy how much more can happen if the spirit is talking and not you. i had never seen that man smile before in the entire 3 months i have been here i just hope he remembers what happens but ya then Sunday we organized a reactivation activity because there is no school right now and had like 7 inactive members attend it was a sports activity on the beach the members walked and I'm so happy they did it was amazing even though i have been sun burnt 2 weeks in a row now and its not very fun but totally worth it well i love your letters and I'm so happy for Tyler and Patrick you guys don't need to worry about anything all you need to do is give all you can and if it isn't enough God will do the rest that's how this life works and that's defiantly how the mission works well i love you all and sorry mom for the bank mess ill try to be more careful and only pull out half

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