Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 51 San Roque 6/4/2012

alright so to explain what happened the Internet server disappeared here in Tolosa so ya sorry but its ok now im in san roque still but thats because transfer day is friday so i will find out wednesday but last week really wasnt much church was kind of a pain i conducted sacrament meeting and i conducted th music turns out i know how to sing since we sing all the time i have started to figure out how to actually sing its really quite fun i sing tenor or bass while we sing for companionship study and its good to be able to change the same songs so i dont get tired of the same hymns over and over but ya so district choir is going to be good as long as i dont transfer turns out if im no there to lead the tenors they just sing with the bass or the melody not good i never realized how hard it was to lead when i dont get the part right away then no one else does either and then the director gets frustrated with me because i am joking or late because there is no tenor with out me the director sings tenor with us but she cant hit the lower notes so she sings it in a higher octave and the other people don't understand how to just change octaves but I'm surprised at how much im learning i started practicing the piano and i have made it a goal to play in sacrament meeting before i go home since i just play the simplified hymns but its still cool one thing i talk to president about is if we had a key board could we use it in the apartment and he said yes as ling as its approved music for sacrament meeting YESSSSSS!!!!! so i have been bringing the church keyboard home for both choir practice and for me to practice i really wish i would have kept playing piano forever ago but i will just learn now when i have time so this week has been amazing we are supposed to be having a baptism this Saturday hopefully it doesn't get cancelled because of district conference but i also hope i don't transfer so i can be there for my first baptism and then one day we worked a half day because of weekly planning an we taught 3 lessons got 4 new investigators and received 8 referrals our work is going crazy right now i really hope i don't transfer this is going to be an amazing next transfer if i don't these people are amazing and completely willing to go to church and everything they actually asked us if they could go to church with us SWEET so excited to go back to them tomorrow so ya as well our fast Sunday turned into and argument because of gossip i hate gossip it destroys the church here and probably everywhere but its ridiculous tat was what they shared as thir testimony luckily my branch president got up and i didnt have to and he just said that is not what testimony meeting is for i dont want this to ever happen again he told them all i may be new and dont know what im doing but if im not the person you help to make this branch better then this branch will be ruined again i was just like yesss he understands his calling now i love my branch president so much i have to teach him how to use and ATM some time this week so he can start getting the budget for activities and supplies that will be weird but any way me and elder Apat and having a good time and trying to get things going here so wednesday we had interviews with president Andaya and he started talking to m about my companion so i got to tell him all the fun this he has been doing in trying to be obedient still needs work but then president just told me thank you and asked if i had any concerns so i shared some things about our branch then he said thank you and keep up the good work i love my mission president he is always so willing to help no matter what the problem is just hope i can find more waqys to help him well i dont have much time we have a FHE later and i need to finish my training for district meeting tomorrow because as always i still haven't finished but next week i will have it ready on time well i love you and sorry again about last week ill try to not let that happen again pero hangtud sa sunod mahal ko kayong lahat lahat

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