Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 56 - San Roque 7/9/2012

well this week was fun even though i didnt get to everything i wanted to do but i had companionship exchanges with elder smith again he is now almost done with his training and he is an amazing missionary but ill get to that later so monday was ok we did our p-day thing and then later that night we went home and then tuesday i had district meeting in the morning and then i went to a ton of people extending callings and i never thought i would actually be worried about asking some one if they are willing to accept a calling but after being told no twice in a row i was a little worried but luckily everything from there has been really smooth and i ended up being able to feel the spirit when i went back to the people that said no and they both excepted yay so much better that way now i realized there is a lot more to my calling but the branch is looking up for the future with all the changes we have made lately since everyone has had the same callings since like 2008 and they are all tired of their callings so change is really good and so ya then i had branch presidency meeting and worked on getting our finance stuff updated in the computer and it still isn't done because we are having problems getting my branch presidents card put into the computer it still says that the old branch president is the one withdrawing so not really a good thing since his card is no good anymore  but i think it will get fixed this week so i can stop stressing about it but then Wednesday we had our companionship exchanges and i was able to have a really productive day and with elder smith we had really good study time and went out to work we taught our new elders quorum president and then went and just talked to people but i know it is so true that people have a light because half the people we talked to were just inactive members and one of them came to church on Sunday so cool but we were also able to meet two guys who were kind of interested i just have to find where they live now since they were just buying stuff when i talked to them but it was really fun its to bad most of the people we talked to wanted to speak Tagalog and i didn't really pay attention and i spoke Tagalog to them to and elder smith was completely lost he had no idea what we were talking about i felt really bad but then we taught some members and he was able to teach some and he is really good he just needs more practice with his warry warry because its kind of laking for 2 transfers and turns out he has been studying Tagalog and not warry so its not helping him so hopefully he will change that a little bit but all in all he is a great missionary and completely willing to do anything i ask him to do and he is going to be great here in a few transfers but that night we were able to have our evaluation and i learned a ton and it became a really spiritual experience turns out he had an experience a few weeks ago where he heard a voice tell him to get up in the middle of a lesson and tell the deaf girl to be healed and he didn't do it and he felt really bad and i felt impressed to tell him some things that completely turned his disappointment into desire and he opened up a part of me i didnt even know existed and i was able to just speak and tell him exactly what he needed to hear and i really miss that feeling because i have been having some problems lately with my companion not wanting to do anything and he borrowed a movie from a member while i was doing an interview and he has been watching it all the time and ya im just trying to help him understand that i dont want to report anything to president andaya if i dont have to but i really feel like i need to now or else i am just going to keep losing that spiritual high all the time like i should have but i feel like this week im really going to talk to him and i want you alls help and the help i want is prayers and i would really appreciate the help i have fasted for him a few times and nothing seems to even have any affect on him he just keeps going like nothing is wrong a big part is that he is going home in a few months and is really missing home and its not good but i feel like this is the week he is going to be able to change for the better but then thursday we had a branch activity on the beach and i played soccer and football and all kinds of fun filipino games and then that was about it saturday was all meetings and sunday too but our attendance is now back up we had 70 attendance this sunday and its awesome well this morning i went hiking and played frisbee on the beach and now we are in tacloban to get elder apats new glasses and then we have a FHE and its going to be awesome well i love you all and wish you all the best always praying for you all and hope you know i feel myself growing closer to you all every day even though im super far away thank you

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