Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 64 - Sta Margarita 9/2/2012

so not much since i was just in tacloban like all week but one thing is i don't think i have traveled so much in like my whole mission life in one week its crazy we are given 1700 pesos for travel for 30 days and i have already hit 1800 and I'm only half way through my 30 day tracking this is going to be exciting since Tuesday we got to listen to elder Cook of the seventy speak to us so cool and i learned something really important from elder Nielsen of the area seventy of the Philippines they were asking us for concerns we had and most of them were with the organization of the church and people not doing everything they were supposed to and he just said yes we know this the only reason is really that in America the church has been there for like 160 years but in the Philippines it has only been 50 so it just needs time and hard work to help it progress faster so i just need to do everything i can to continually follow up with the leaders about their meetings and their ht and vt because it is not happening at all most people don't even have an assignment so not cool and its hard to get an assignment when they don't call an elders quorum  president but anyway its going to be good i finally had my meeting with the branch president and we are going to have a missionary fireside and i told the members its going to be a video showing and testimony meeting and their ticket to get in to the video is an in-active member or a non-member friend its going to be awesome but i also talked to him about us wanting to join in on their meetings like pec and branch council and mcm so its going to be cool once we start getting those meetings going so that we can get more organized and make things go more smoothly but then sunday we had district conference and elder misalucha was the guest speaker so cool he told me to say hi to dad and then i met another sister who lives in catbalogan she was talking to my companion and then she asked him who is your companion and then she saw my name tag and said i know an elder coontz turns out her twin sister and her both served in bagio mission with dad and her sister is the siter i met before in a place called dagami they were both sister calda and she said she is going to try to find dad on face book the one has a son thats an RM and the other has a son about to leave so cool and here in the phillipines its a normal thing to call people fat so when they saw the pictures of dad of course thats exactly what they said since he was only like 150 pounds on his mission but elder misalucha said tell him dont worry because he is about the same i have a picture with him and some other missionaries so its cool to meet people who know dad and elder misaluchs wife also served in bagio mission but after elder misaluch went home but i didnt get to meet here and elder misaluchas sister also served there and said dad was her zone leader back then so cool but then we went home and got home at about 8:30 or so and got things ready then went to bed and now we are here emailing and thats about it for this week besides the fact that i am super tired from all the travel but its all good being tired is usually  good thing as ling as im doing what im supposed to God will give me the strength i need to keep going but about the preach my Gospel class you should totally attend and institute isnt for single people only its for all people ages 18 to 30 and i so wish i would have gone even if they said it was boring but it would have been nice knowing what the lessons were before i got to the MTC and the Christ like attribute section is definately my favorite and it can totally help any member its not just for missionaries its amazing and i know it can help you all mine is starting to fall apart and i might order a new one soon but its amazing and im so glad its been given to us. i have learned so much from it and without using it you wont know how to be an amazing missionary it helps you understand yourself and others so you can teach according to needs and it is an amazing tool for the rest of our lives well i love you all and hope i have shared something that can help you all this week but if not just know that God loves you and that will never change.

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