Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 72 - Sta Margarita 10/29/2012

so just to start off this week started amazing and i have learned a ton and applying some new things to my work to make it more enjoyable and being able to see more miracles already so cool but to start off the training i gave this last week was so cool i have been trying to find a new way to help keep focused all the time because i have heard stories of like missionary's sitting in their apartment and the spirit prompts them to leave and go visit some one and i wanted to know how that was possible so i have been studying about the spirit and how i works lately and one of the things i read said that sometimes our minds are preoccupied by things of the world as missionaries that sometimes we wont even notice that the spirit is prompting us to do anything and that hit kind of hard as we have been trying hard to constantly avoid those kinds they still seemed to slip in sometimes and then we end up talking for like 20 min. about nothing important and we lose our focus and drive and so i realized the one thing every missionary and even the everyday person needs to be able to recognize the spirits promptings is by building our virtue and if our thoughts and actions are always virtuous the we can constantly feel the spirit and we as missionar's have been asked to give all attention to the work so that includes what we talk about in the apartment and everywhere no matter who we are talking to but it was amazing and i met with the new missionary's in the district and talked to them a little about some goals they have set for this transfer so that i can help follow up with those goals and pray for them as well and it has been amazing after that we had companionship exchanges and i worked with elder Johnson he is our new zone leader and he is awesome but we had a really good day taught a few lessons but the coolest thing was our experience in finding we went and decided to ask what color house we needed to visit when we left the house so we just thought about it on our way to Sta. Margarita and when we got out my thoughts had rd or blue but when we got out i was sure it was red so then elder Johnson asked whats the color and i said its definately red and he said that was my exact thought so we walked across the street and past a house and then elder Johnson says wasnt that house? red and i turned around and there was an old man staring at us from his front porch and he received us and our message and we got an apointment to come back so cool then the same kind of thing happened with me and Elder Dariagan he is making some good progress and getting closer to the spirit everyday and im really enjoying teaching with him even though we still have a few things to work out but we tried the same kind of thing after no one was home and so we prayed and asked what part of our area we need to go to and after the prayer i turned around and thought and the first thing that came to me was go to barangay sulsogon so i turned and asked Elder Dariagan and he said Sulsogon so cool how that works then we went and then found a guy we met a few days before and we cant get to his house but he just happened to be at the road on his way home as we got there and we were able to give him a book of mormon and get an appointment to go and visit him this coming thursday so amazing then we taught some amazing lessons with a few families and were able to attended the baptism of my investigator in gandara even though its not my area anymore i was super happy that i got to see the baptism then sunday i wasnt feeling good after church so we went home to study and rest and i prepared my training for tomorrow and was reminded of something really important by a man we named brother Niki and it has to do with prayer and prating for specific people and specific things so i made a list of people who i need to pray for so i dont forget any one i my plan is to just keep adding to the list for the rest of my time in Sta. Margarita and then start over wherever my new area may be in the future but its amazing the list ended up being way longer that i thought and i was like wow maybe this is how pray should always be i should truely be asking for the Lord to help these people with their needs and its so cool i felt so good as i did it and feel like this is going to be the start of a lot of miracles i the lives of these people and hope that it can continue for the rest of my life prayer is so important and my testimony of it has been reinforced so greatly this past week and hope i can keep going and i also read some things in Alma 60 when captain Moroni writes pahoran and in verses 23 and 23 he talks about fixing the inner vessel then the outer vessel can be cleansed and thats so true and that is what this branch needs and i shared this in our Missionary coordination meeting and the members made some new goals to visit on their own and with us so cool im super excited to see the miracles God can put into work for this branch its going to be amazing as long as we can keep it going well i love you all and sorry for not letting you all know before about me withdrawing ill be better about it now but another thing is my card is going to expire before i go home and it has started to tear a little bit so that could be one thing that could help out a little but if not thats ok too well i love you all and can say that i have prayed for you all and prayed for specfic things for almost everyone reading this not sure who still keeps up with these letters but i love you all and hope that i have helped you all in some way today.

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