Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 39 - San Roque 3/12/2012

so this week has been really fun! one of the best weeks i have had so far, and not because we taught a ton of lessons, we actually only taught like 5 people this week, but it was full of service. one day no one was home and the thought came to my mind, who can we help? so we thought for a minute, then it came. we went to see a family who only their oldest daughter was home with the youngest but she was doing what we call laba or laundry.  instead of a washing machine you put your clothes in a plangana or bucket type thing and washer soap and you wash it by hand. its not exactly fun at first but its a lot cheaper than a washing machine. luckily i know how to laba because that's how i wash my clothes every week, its exciting. another day we thought the same thing and went to another house where we made brooms called silhigs ill take a picture and send it when the card reader gets here. but you take these long leaves and use a knife to cut out the center stem and you tie those together and that makes a silhig. then another day a member was doing whats called bunot which is taking the outer shell off of a coconut and then me and elder andrada used machetes to cut them in half, really fun! we have helped a lot of people this week and from what I've seen everyone we helped came to church, but not all the people we taught. so i feel we need to really just help people more often and i have really started to just notice ways we can help. its so cool how it works and i hope i can continue to do that for the rest of my mission.
we have been able to teach two of our investigators about three times one is the daughter in law of a member and the other is the granddaughter of the same member and they seem to get everything we are telling them.  when we asked questions to see if they understand they have stuff to add, its so amazing, they are so ready for this and i really hope to stay here and see them get baptized. well this week i had to submit a a report about elder andrada and his progression and after i submitted to the zone leaders and they reported it to the assistants  the assistants called and asked if i could just switch rooms and become the new zone leader in tolosa luckily that was just a joke but at the same time i worry because one of the zone leaders is going home. we just left him in tacloban this morning and all 7 of the people going home are either assistant to the president or zone leader so they need new ones in a few days. but i feel like I'm going to be in san roque for one more transfer so that's ok with me. but wherever the lord needs me I'm willing to go.

so for your questions yes i know elder misalucha and i also the elder that we left in tacloban this morning his dad served with dad elder senolos and i met a few people here in tolosa that know dad too one is sister perrez she said dad was bugoy pero maupay gehap or kind of disobedient but a good missionary and there was one more but i don't know his last name just brother jun they both said they know you kind of weird as well the apartment is a little different we have ac window units and running water but the table is really small and there are four of us and its a gas stove again but that's ok im learning to cook on it but as well i found a card reader but not sure how long it will last so I'm sending a few pictures right now well that's all i love you all and know that tyler will be fine in about 4 and a half months lol or 6 but i love you all and wish you all the best.

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