Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 27 - Dulag 12/18/2011

well to start off you guys are supposed to be calling me right now, the cell number is ------------------ and if i transfer friday i can send you the new number. so we feel like it would be best for you all to call christmas night, so my monday morning. then ill email you after that because itll be p day. and if the number is busy call back in an hour. 

this week has been really long and stressfull as we prepared for our branch christmas party on friday. we were only able to teach like 7 lessons all week, and we have had a typhoon coming through for a few days now. it rains every day no matter what, but typhoons are crazy. i dont sleep much because of the cast, i cant wait untill they take it off friday. even though i could take it off right now, its only the cast material on the bottom wrapped in ace bandage. i keep rewrapping the top because it can move and the ace bandage keeps bunching up and is really uncomfortable.

not a whole lot has happened. we taught some really good lessons about baptismal covenants with some inactive members, and one came to church on sunday. and 3 or 4 of them came to the christmas party, so id say succesfull. dang my spelling was horrible before the mission and  now that i only write in english when i email its getting worse. i keep typing and it keeps underlining stuff in red! but im typing with one hand and dont want to fix it.

the christmas party we had was amazing! the games they played are a lot different than America but still fun. i only got to play one and it was chugging a 1 liter of juice the fastest. i won that one! turns out they dont drink to much fluid. they all had a 250ml soda with dinner i had 3. then they couldnt finish the one liter, and then i drank another soda after to finish off what was left.

yesterday we had 24 people at church when we started but ended up with 33, so not to bad. some people had trouble getting to church because of all the floods, we had a lot of people not come to the party for the same reason. one problem is our party attendace was 54 and sacrament only 33 dang! oh well, maybe they will come back some day. 

well thats really all for now i love you all talk to you next week

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