Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week 77 - Sta Margarita 12/2/2012

 so really good week even though we didn't get to do much i stayed in tacloban until wednesday night because i was going to go home monday night get up tuesday and go to district meeting then do an interview then get up at 2 on wednesday so that i could be back in TAcloban in time for out leadership training meeting so they told us to just stay in tacloban so we did and it was good i ended up having a really good talk with elder leishman about mission life and things he is doing since he is training and district leader too and we talked a lot about life and things we were doing to stay more focused and then on tuesday morning he came to me and said he was stuck and he hadn't finished his training yet for district meeting so the two of us put our heads together and we talked about the missionaries in his district and because they are all sisters he wasn't sure what to teach them so we talked about their key indicators for the week before and realized that almost all the sisters numbers were teaching women so we prepared a pretty good training about focusing on families since that is something that i really have been doing lately and so has he because it is a lot harder for us to teach because we cant teach without a man in the home and it is mostly always women so elder leishman came up with and example of if we buy a package of skittles we don't just eat one and throw the rest away we either eat them all or give them to someone else to eat the same should apply to missionary work we try really hard to find people to teach then someone excepts us into their home and we only teach the one person that is interested and a lot of the time even if that person gets baptized they almost always go inactive because it is hard being the only one keeping the commandments especially in your own home as all the missionaries had seen this first hand but never thought of a way to change it the best part was we had some unexpected visitors in the district meeting because a few of the office workers and the assistants were just waiting for president Andaya to finish a meeting they joined elder leishman was a little nervous but did amazing we all came up with some good ideas for teaching entire families rather than only teaching individuals a lot of it was just us not inviting those who don't show interest but sometimes the ones that don't show interest at first end up being the best converts because they didn't want it but they did it anyway and God just does so much for them but ya anyway great training and I'm so glad i got to be there for it then we had our leadership training meeting and then we went home and got home at like midnight then we got up and headed to gandara first thing in the morning to do an interview really good but again another individual and none of her family so i guess i need to give a similar training in my district but ya then friday i got to go and work for the first time in a few weeks i was a little nervous but since elder dariagan cant really work yet i got to work with elder Johnson we had probably the best lesson i have ever been a part of in my entire mission and its all because of a member here in Calbayog sister alyn she just got called to the manila Philippines mission and has been praying about who she needs to share the gospel with before she leaves and we taught her friend Joshua he is amazing we really just read the introduction to the Book of Mormon and talked about everything in it and then committed him to be baptized if he learned it was true thru prayer and he told us how he has always received everything he has ever asked for from God and we were prompted to ask him to kneel and pray right then and there to know if the Book of Mormon was true and we did and then we knelt and it was just like wow!!! the spirit just took it to a whole nother level and then he stared praying and during his prayer he said things like i know you are the only one that can answer me and you could just feel the spirit working and then he stopped speaking for a few seconds and burst into tears its was the most amazing thing ever the he just said thank you i know you have answered me and closed his prayer and we all sat down and sister alyn ,who had actually reffered a different friend he just kind of came a long for the ride, was like what you too i never would have thought you would be a part of this then we asked if he had gotten an answer and he said yes then i was just like im pretty sure everyone in this room just got an answer that the Book of Mormon is true it was so amazing but he is the guitarist for another church here and they are preparing for a huge Christmas presentation and he said he needs to do some praying as to how to tell his friends and family that he wont be a part of it anymore he is so amazing then Saturday we started our preach my Gospel class to teach the members how to do missionary work and remind the RM's it was cool i asked elder dariagan if he wanted to give it or if he wanted me to go first so of course i was first but it was good we talked about chapter one and in chapter one in the back there are quotes from the prophets about missionary work and one from George Albert Smith says we will not receive exaltation in the celestial kingdom if we don't share the gospel and then we read the missionary purpose and we talked about every member a missionary and then read the section on what a successful missionary is and the all just look a little put down but then we talked about how anyone can do it it just takes a little bit of our time if we just take 15 20 minutes out of our tv time everyday and talk to someone about the gospel then we are able to build the kingdom of God every day of our lives so cool and I'm so excited we got a new branch president on sunday and he is an RM and i am super excited to see what he will do we call him brother Don don before but he is president cajuroa and him and his wife are amazing and i see great things happening here really soon i am really excited but we have very little time to work this month so i hope we can get the members working during this time and then we will just help them out in stead of the other way around well i love you all and sorry my letter is kind of long but so much happened but i cant get much more in i still have to email president andaya but thank you for sharing my letters i only hope to help and encourage every one who reads or hears my letters i love you all and ask you to pray for us as there is a huge typhoon about to come through and the missionaries and people need all the help they can get 

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