Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 18 - Dulag 10/16/2011

so funny that your forgot what day you are going home (that was me, went to LAX on Sunday only to realize my ticket was for Monday!  It wasn't funny at the time!)

so this week was good at first then it just went down hill. stephanie came from palo and she had gone to conference there by her self yay! so we went to teach her, we taught the law of chastity, ya my first one. kinda weird but oh well. its hard because the things we are supposed to tell them not to do are bastos, or like curse words here, so we have to work our way around it.  she then told us we need to ask her mom if she can get baptised so we set an appointment for that. then we really only taught like 2 other people all week. it was kind of sad but we did get 7 new investigators which will be nice this week.

so we visited an inactive lady named marietta and her sister. she is 21 with one kid and her sister is 25 with one kid. her first child died and she wasn't sure where he was or if he would be ok without baptism. so we read from moroni about it and she was happy then. we asked them if they would come to church and she said they were offended just like everyone else in dulag.  its all because of the old branch presidents wife who is now apostate.  but the one lady said,  my husband wont let me because he is only home on the weekend, and the other said maybe. so then thursday we went back to them and helped weed their peanut farm it was pretty fun. then later that day we went to stephanie, the one who was supposed to be getting baptised on the 29. so we talked to her mom and turns out she was offended by another inactive member. so we told her before you say no will you at least listen to what we are teaching your daughter? she said I'm busy, so we said 5 min, she said ok. so we taught a short restoration,  i was so nervous i didn't want to mess that up. so then after, we asked her to pray to know if its true and if its good for her family and she ended up joining our tithing lesson with her daughter. she seemed happy after so we set and appointment for saturday.

friday we walked about 12 kilometers but we got 2 new investigators and its a family, yay. that was all no lessons. then saturday we  got on a motor which are ridiculous! its a basic 150 engine with an extension on it and me elder andrus a member missionary and the driver all squished on. its fun sometimes but we were on it for about 15 minutes and the driver was like sitting in my lap.  ewwww!  but whatever, it happens every time we go some where because we are to big to fit inside the pedy cabs which are a bike with a cart on the side. so we take motors.  and then we taught a member and went to another member who had referrals for us to teach, yay! so we went to their house, turns out their mom is an inactive drunk and thought we spoke tagalog. so she was telling a member stuff about her husband we weren't supposed to know in warry and talking to us in tagalog.  dang it, i need to learn tagalog! i couldnt even answer her questions.  finally the member that was with us starting getting frustrated so we taught really fast said godbye and left.  but, she wants her kids to be baptized,  yay!

then on to see stephanie she had "gotten in trouble for fighting with her brother" so we just taught mom and went home. so the next morning at church their fellowshipper sister susan came up to us at the doors to the church and said stephanie has a big problem. she went to go get her in the morning for church but her mom wouldn't let her in and said she was going to palo again. she thought something was weird so she went next door to get lorena but she wont go unless stephanie does. so then she saw the back door was open at stephanies, so she snuck in and apparently our law of chastity lesson wasn't good enough! oh well its just weird because she is only 15! but its ok we can help her repent and hopefully be baptized in a few more weeks. so really that's all that happened we just did a lot of walking we were only able to get about 5 lessons in but all that matters is that we are trying. the lord knows and will help us be better missionaries and help prepare these people here in dulag before its to late. but the members here are getting excited now that we told them how to get a building. and all the students are starting to come back because the semester is over.  Yay,  fellowshippers , they are awesome! the one girl is probably the best missionary I've ever met and she is only 18 and the only member in her family. i cant wait to be able to work with her.

so all in all a good week. just wish we could have taught more people, but its not our choice whether they are busy or not so it'll be ok in the end.

so mashed potatoes would be awesome and we  (I asked if he would like us to send him some) don't have a microwave at all, its not broken. (I thought it was broken, guess they didn't even have one, I asked if maybe they could buy one)  so I'm thinking i might get one, but i cant get one here in dulag. i have a little money from my account but its just reimbursement money from travel. i have about 4000 pesos so about $100. I'm going to start looking for Christmas presents now that i finally got chad and kamries b day presents sent last Monday.  it cost about 4 dollars so not to bad, should be there in about another week or so. oh and chad just ask the girls to dance in warry-warry "buhaton ba nimo magsayaw upod ha akon " that means will you dance with me, it'll be cool, they'll be like what? lol but ya its fun here and when christmas comes i actually text you with our cell phone and you call me back on that number.  so if there is anything else you all want to know how to say just let me know i love these languages and want to know warry-warry, tagalog, and cebuano before i go home it'll be awesome to be quad lingual and why not use the gift I've been given to learn and understand languages. it'll be an adventure. well i love you all and hope you get the letter with the presents

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