Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week 7 - MTC 8/2/2011

(I think this is his most ADD letter YET!!!)
so we got 22 new cebuano speakers, it is crazy!  they got to start the new program and are learning so fast its crazy.  we have to find a way to jump in in the middle but i think we will survive.  they already pray in cebuano, it took me a week or 2 before i could do that.
we have an english district that is going to little rock next week its so cool. and the other day we were out contacting and i let elder Mits pick and it was sister lee and her companion. i was like well what are the odds of that? but ya, so we taught the restoration in cebuano and went on our way.
i took a pic with porter sunday i'll try to print it off and send it home.
but any way the elder that went home is elder hatch who was elder lieshmans comp but now he is one of mine. (in his last letter he talked about one of them going home, but i was confused about which one it was) its kinda weird teaching with three but we are figuring it out.
so last week i was able to memorize 238 words and i don t think ill ever beat that.   but im on my way to about 200 again. so yesterday we had an all cebauno day no english unless we were in gym and needed to, but other than that it was really fun. im able to think in cebuano a little its really quite cool.
so dad said something about my companion elder mits being the joker in the group he is but he isnt the worst. almost our whole district likes to joke around and have fun its really nice.
so im sure the pictures you have will be fine and if anything that soccr ball you sent is kinda trashed now and about to pop it has been through a lot and was wondering if you could send my little black and orange one so i can have it in the philippines even though they dont play soccer  :(  but they do play basketball so i think ill be ok. i play basketball almost every day during gym and there are a lot of really good ballers and i learn so much. but ive been told that sometimes in the philppines the goals are only like 8 foot so itll be crazy and ive been told they really arent any good so that will be one way to get people to teach.  my teacher said he did that a few times.
so we have to start teaching like everyday with the new program and its supposed to be like a real investigator and i really hope this helps. but i know either way the lord called me to this mission at this time and he will help me throughout the whole thing. sometimes when i teach im able to go on and on in cebuano and don't even really know what I'm talking about.  but i know its just a guiding and that i do have the lord on my side.
so i have 2 more weeks in the mtc and i get more and more excited everyday. in reality i just want to go now! but i know we are here still for a reason.
so I'm not sure if Ive mentioned this before but the majority of my mission is actually not cebuano speaking, but its a dialect called warry-warry and they speak tagolog so it'll be a party and a half once we finally get there. i know that we will be able to learn so fast and be able to teach the people in whatever language they speak.
so Sunday pres robinson my branch president said in everything we teach there lies the evidence of its own truth, and i know that in everything we teach there is truth and if we have the spirit with us we will be able to impress that truth upon others
yesterday we watched a talk given in a fireside here at the mtc and it basically talked about all we need to do to have that spirit is to follow the rules and we will be able to have it with us as we teach and all the rules are in place for a reason so we need to follow them
 ok so my language isn't actually called cebuano that's the spanish name for it its actually called visayan and there is a web site my teacher showed us called bisayan.com or something like that. so if you google it you can maybe use the translator. so i have been here long enough to finish an entire planner and I'm sending it home they go for 6 weeks at a time they are a great tool and now that i really know how to use it it is a great help. i didn't start until about the last couple days in the one I'm sending but the one i have now everyday is just like full of stuff and its amazing when you have a plan how much more proficient your studies go. (BONUS) so i am so grateful for all the letters i get and hope to hear from everyone before i leave even if its not much its nice to see that everyone else is happy and doing well
so until next week ayo ayo

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